George H.W. Bush Coin

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Use This Coin To Remind You To Live Life Like Our 41st President with this George H.W. Bush Coin!

Here are 10 reasons why we choose George H.W. Bush for this coin!

1. In 1943, Bush was the youngest pilot in the Navy at the time.

2. During World War II, he flew 58 combat missions for the Navy.

3. …and was awarded three Air Medals and the Distinguished Flying Cross for his service.

4. In college, he was captain of the Yale University baseball team and played in the first two College World Series.

5. In July 2013, Bush shaved his head to honor the son of one of his Secret Service agents, who was suffering from leukemia.

6. He is the second president to be the father of another U.S. president. (John Adams was the first.)

7. After the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, Bush and former president Bill Clinton formed the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund to help victims in Louisiana.

8. In 1999, he celebrated his 75th birthday by skydiving.

9. Five years later, he did it again.

10. Five years after that, at 85, he celebrated the same way.

11. At 90 years old, he went for a birthday skydive for the fourth time.

12. While vice president for Ronald Reagan, Bush acted as president for eight hours while President Reagan was in surgery after being shot.

13. His family’s springer spaniel, Millie, was once referred to as “the most famous dog in White House history.” Millie’s room was once Nancy Reagan’s beauty parlor.

14. He doesn’t like broccoli. “I do not like broccoli,” the President said in response to questions about his “broccoli ban” aboard Air Force One, “And I haven’t liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. And I’m President of the United States, and I’m not going to eat any more broccoli!”

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